So here's a recap of the history I have shared of our farm and family so far!
#1 December 27th, 1952 Paul & Delores Mann purchase their first registered Guernsey; Judy's Mae Anna
#2 Paul and Delores Mann purchased the farm from her parents shortly after their marriage in 1942.
#3 The farm first came into the family in 1938 when Roy moved his family to the Silverton area so that his daughter Delores could attend High School. Delores' parents are pictured here shocking hay.
#4 Paul and Delores Mann were blessed with 5 children. Here they are pictured in 1957 with one of their 4-H showmanship heifers. Left to right is: Diana, Dena, Wendal, Merlin and Alan.
#5 One of the first notable cows (that has a picture!) was purchased in 1955 by Wendel; Cloverlawn Nylon. While not much of a milk cow, Nylon was a great showmanship cow. Wendel is pictured here (on left) with Nylon taking Reserve Champion Showmanship honors at the 1958 Oregon State Fair.
#6 The first milking parlor was completed in 1959 and the farm has sold grade A milk ever since.
#7 To celebrate the completion of the parlor Delores threw a surprise "barn warming" party for Paul. Back when newspapers reported on social events, this party was covered; here's what was said about the event: "Paul Mann tried several time on Sunday evening of last week to go to the barn to start his chores, but each time his wife kept him in on some pretext until suddenly a house full of friends arrived for a no-host supper and surprise "barn warming" for Paul. The new modern milking parlor of block construction was inspected by the guests, some of whom had never seen the raised milking platforms or bulk cooling tank. The part adjourned to the barn after supper to see Paul milk and do his evening chores. They presented him with money for a new electric clock for the milking parlor. Mann has 30 head of dairy cattle, most of them registered Guernseys."
#8 In the early 60's the farm announced that: "Wholesome farm fresh Guernsey milk by the Gallon or Half Gallon, Now available at their farm or Ideal Market." This started a somewhat short adventure in bottling and selling our own milk, which also included home delivery.
#9 The farm was very active in the 4-H program; with the Mann's serving as leaders and participating in activities from Christmas parties to showing at fair, 4-H was always a top priority for the whole family.
#10 "The Paul Mann family in the Abiqua district have completed plans for the 4-H Dairy Training meeting to be held at their Guernsey farm this Saturday. The meeting will be attended by club member, their parents and friends, and anyone else interested in the project. Don Anderson, Extension Dairy Specialist from Oregon State University, and Elmer Meadows, Guernsey Fieldman, will conduct the session which will include phases of dairy training. Selection of dairy animals, raising dairy calves, sanitation with the dairy project, and judging animals will be studied. Members of the Marion-Polk Guernsey Breeders will also be present. Members of the Powers Creek 4-H Livestock Club will furnish cookies." The farm hosted over 120 people on that day, March 17, 1962, a testament to their commitment to the 4-H program!

#11 During the years that we did sell our own
milk, it was a full time operation for the whole family. Here is a great
shot of Delores bottling in 1962.
#12 Today our herd is made up of 16 active cow
families, with about 6 of them accounting for 75% of the herd. Barbara
enjoys genealogy and every cow since the first purchase in 1952 is
#13 Of that first registered cow, Judy's Mae
Anna who was purchased in 1952, there are still 17 direct descendents in
the herd today. This includes an up and coming heifer we are keeping an
eye on: Abiqua Acres Judgements Juno. Juno was the 1st place Spring Yearling and Reserve Junior Champion of the 2012 Oregon State Fair. She is also #101 on the American Guernsey Association-Top
Heifers Ranked by Parent Average CPI for December 2012. Juno is bred
and we are excited to have her calve next June. She is Bred and Owned by Ben Sichley.
#14 Another cow family that is still present
in the herd today started with the purchase of Lovelake Knights Belle on
September 12th, 1962. There are 18 descendents of this family present
in the herd today, including the pictured Abiqua Acres Verdict Beatrice.
#15 This "B" family also holds the highest
scored cow ever bred by Abiqua Acres. Born December 6th 1968 Abiqua
Acres Dariboy Beatrice was sold in the early 70's and went on to be
scored EX-93.
#16 Delores acted as the chaperone for
Adrienne Ellison, Oregon's Dairy Princess in 1962. Miss Ellison and Mrs.
Paul Mann headed to Chicago, Ill. for the American Dairy Princess
Contest on September 8th 1962. An exuberant send off was arranged at the
Portland airport that included a band, milk toasts and a crowd of well
wishers. Adrienne was not crowned as the American Princess, but I know
my Grandmother enjoyed her role!
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